Why Does God place so much importance on the Bible?


             Imagine for a moment that you have all the ability to create just by speaking the word, if you wanted a new car, you could just say the word and there it was, just as you wanted it.

             Now imagine, that you wanted to create a world, and on that world you would place all kinds of life forms. Would you make them into little robots? Stiffly walking around doing your bidding? Or would you want to make those life forms autonomous.

             In this day and age of computers, and advanced electronics, mankind seems to be desiring to want to follow in God’s footsteps, Many people involved in these industries, are chasing the dream of self driving cars, A.I. or Artificial intelligence, many  men and women in the robotics industry are attempting to come up with a robot that can think and act on it’s own without the aid of a human being. Movies have been made about this subject, including many varied science fiction films, and books. All dealing with the desire of men to make a machine that can think, and act like the rest of us.


             I don’t think that it too far of a stretch for us to think of God desiring to create mankind for the same kinds of reasons. He created man in his own image, just like technicians have with robots,  He desired to create a living soul that he could commune with, to instruct, and teach. If you ever watch a documentary of the men and women working on these new robots, you can see the wonder, and excitement in their eyes for the things they have created. It doesn’t matter if they are not perfect, they still love to work with them!  It can be comforting to think that God was so interested in mankind that he had these kinds of goals set for us!


             Now if you took your robot, and gave it intelligence, would you make it autonomous? Or would you make it smart enough to just follow your commands? Programming a robot to do just certain tasks is fine if your building cars, or computers motherboards where they do the same thing over and over again, but what if you wanted to interact with your robot, what if you wanted to know what it thought about, would it dream? What kinds of ideas could it come up with?

             You see interactive robots would be much more interesting, because so much more could be done with them, but the dilemma that everyone talks about with robots, is what if they rebel against us? If you knew that there was a possibility that your robot would turn against you, and not want to interact with you, would you still build it?

             But if your robot turned out right, and it listened to what you had to say, learned from your instructions, and learned more because of it, wouldn't that be much more entertaining?

             If you taught it to obey the rules of the road for bike riding, or using a cross walk, or how to act when in a Library, wouldn't you feel very satisfied with your creation? Wouldn’t you feel exhilaration if your creation listened and learned from you?


God created mankind, maybe for some of the same reasons we have pointed out here, maybe he has other reasons, but the Bible is full of instruction for mankind, that he has placed there for our benefit, not for our detriment!


God also knew that mankind would disobey his ONE command, but then the question like so many today ask about the possible errant robot, how do you reestablish the communication, and relationship with it? If this is indeed a fully autonomous robot, that can make it’s own choices, how do you get it to listen to reason? How do you teach it the things it needs to know to survive, if it wont listen to you?


The same issues faced God when it came to mankind.


The solution fortunately is very simple, in fact almost too simple for humanity to accept it seems.